Paul LaVack, Empowerment Mentor 336.508.6330

Sunday, March 1, 2015


Appreciation- never fail to let those around you you how much you value them. Be thankful for the smallest thing done for you. It may mean more than you know. Taking others for granted is an easy habit to fall into and it is a bad habit. Being appreciative and thankful are two things we cannot over do. Even if someone says you don't need to thank me, thank them anyway. Just keep it short and simple.

Nothing will sink your value in the eyes of others as fast as not saying and meaning thank you. Forgetting to do so is just not acceptable. Don't let it slide.

I'm not complaining about the weather. I'm thankful for it! Soon enough everyone will be complaining about how hot it is and how fall cannot get here quickly enough. Not me, man! I'm thankful for each day as it comes, perfect.

Ah yes, thank you for reading and sharing!

Make it a great week! 

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