Paul LaVack, Empowerment Mentor 336.508.6330

My Approach

You are the expert on your changing life or conflict. My primary roles are to be an active listener, offer feedback and work with you to develop positive ways to resolve the conflict and get through the change as easy as possible.

I am…
-Trained and experienced in many forms of alternative despute resolution.
-Interested in just resolutions and outcomes.
-Humble and consider it an honor to help others.

I can…
-Use what I’ve learned to help you find a solution based on your experience and your needs.
-Learn with you other perspectives and possibilities.
-Listen objectively and without judgment.
-Offer a safe environment for open and honest communications.

I will…
-Keep everything confidential.
-Be available if needed in the future.

I am not…
- A keeper of magic bullets.
- A decider who gives a one size fits all solution (or any solution).
-A prescriber who tells you how to resolve a problem and call me the next day if that does not work out.
-Someone who tells you what you are doing wrong.
-A judge.
-A settlement driven practitioner only looking for easy agreement.

1 comment:

  1. I like this description. So different from other websites and professional page (about us)

    So simple to read and yet a great summary of WHO you are, and WHAT you are offering and WHAT they can expect from you.
