Paul LaVack, Empowerment Mentor 336.508.6330

Friday, May 10, 2013

The Way it CAN Happen

In my experience, a facilitation often follows a path; Storming, Norming, Performing and even Mourning. Let’s look at each one a little closer.

Storming- This is the beginning where the people in the meeting begin to organize how the meeting will go. This is a time when everyone needs to decide on why we are here today and how are we going to organize to get the tasks done. Not all problems or issues can be resolved in a single meeting, duh! So the group has to nail down what they hope to accomplish and this is easier said than done. Different people are going to have different opinions on what is most pressing. The group has to build a realistic workable agenda. The facilitator has to stand back and let the group decide what that means and how to get it done. This leads us to the next part, norming.

Norming- determining the work flow and feel of the meeting. The group should take a few minutes and set up a few basic ground rules like in the post below. This not only gets everyone on the same page, put also demonstrates they can indeed work together and get something done. Depending on the group, it may not be a bad idea to point this out. “These rules you developed appear to be workable. Do we all agree to use these moving forward?” In addition to setting ground rules, it is important to build an agenda with time given for each item. People are busy and need to be able to plan the rest of their day. Sticking to the agreed times demonstrates discipline, professionalism and courtesy. The facilitator needs to enforce the times but only if the group is willing to go along. If the group wants to make changes, the facilitator needs to be able to adjust according to the will of the group. Let the group run!

Performing- Just what is says, the group accomplishes what it sat out in the beginning to do. People learn how to work together in a team oriented environment and when things go like they are supposed to, it can be an enjoyable and productive experience. Sure, there may well be speed bumps along the way but if the group sticks to the ground rules all agreed to, it should not be a big deal. If it goes really well, one more phase may follow, mourning.

Mourning- “Wow! I cannot believe how much we got done and everyone worked so well together. I wish everyday could be like that.” Some may have a sense of let down after it is over. If I have done my job as the facilitator, the participants will soon forget my name. Not because I did nothing or was a bad facilitator but I stayed out of the way.

Now here is the mushy part. These phases are by no means set in stone. A group can get to one level and fall back to another. Also, the phases can take place over multiple meetings. If your meetings are not going well, it may be time to call in a facilitator. I’m affordable, flexible and dependable.

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