Money... The root of all evil. Right? Well, until you go without any. Yes, there are a few souls who have actually managed to do just that. If any of my readers fall in this category, please let me know. I think it would be a great thing to do. I'm still in the money system if you please. I guess you are as well. I've been flat busted broke and comfortable. Being broke sucks. At least I had a strong social network to fall back on (not face book). So being broke is relative. There are plenty of homeless people who would have gladly traded places with me. And if you have been overseas, you know there are people who would gladly trade places with a homeless person here. Money plays an interesting role in our lives. For some, it becomes an end in itself. How much they have, how much things cost and what things are worth are all they seem to talk about. But ask that same person directly, "is money the most important thing to you?" I bet they will tell you "No." It is so ubiquitous in their lives they don't even realize it.
The people I like best never talk about money. I may know they are well off or comfortable but I have no idea what their income is. The subject never comes up. I had a friend who'd dad was an airline pilot when air line pilots made a very good living. They lived in an average neighborhood and drove nice vehicles but not high end flashy cars. I think they did a good job of keeping money in perspective. Sure, it is important but so are a lot of other things, like being a good human being. Let me share this quite I heard once. "Money is like manure. Big piles of it attract a lot of flies. Spreading it around can create a lot of beautiful flowers." There is a balance to it. In this world, I cannot get by without money. I have to realize there are things more important like relationships I want to preserve and grow. So if I'm worried about every little detail of who owes who and how much, I'm going to create a lot of unnecessary stress for myself and those around me. I maintain it all equals out in the end. Somebody buys me lunch, down the road, I'll get somebody else's. It all works out. No worry!
Just a little thinking with a keyboard on a frosty February afternoon. I think we'll revisit money from to time...
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