Paul LaVack, Empowerment Mentor 336.508.6330

Saturday, December 2, 2023

More on The Holiday Season

Hello happy holiday people! Let me share with you a few more thoughts on the upcoming holiday season. I was pleased with last week's conversation about conflict over Thanksgiving and conflict in the workplace! There are a number of holidays between now and the dark cold plunge into the winter months. This time of year is full of meaning, ritual and emotion. I think it means something different for each of us. Myself?  Great memories, reflection,  appreciation and good food all come to mind. Keep in mind this is a real difficult time of year for a lot of people.

The December holiday stretch is a pretty sad time for a lot of people. Those who have lost family members and friends recently or long ago may long for past holiday experiences that are now gone forever.  Maybe holidays once spent surrounded by friends and family have been replaced by holidays now spent alone with only a TV and distant memories for company.  It may be that's what they need to do right now, respect it.  Sure, you can offer an invite but be willing to accept a “no thanks.” They will remember the invite. Let others celebrate the holidays in their own way or not celebrate at all. Try not to allow yourself to be bogged down in the expectations of others.

Use this time to step back from the expectations of consumerism and materialism. Christmas, specifically,  should mean more than a leading economic indicator.  I think the best idea of Christmas is giving to those less fortunate and not more stuff for friends and family who already have plenty. Think back on the year about what you have learned and accomplished. Remember those who have helped you along the way. Be willing to give and do only what you are comfortable with. This time of year does not have to be a time of increased stress and anxiety. Lower your expectations of others.

Let me borrow a little religious imagery, “everyone has their own crosses to bear.” If you want to have a great holiday season, one thing you can do is help your friends and family or even strangers really cope with the burdens we all carry. Feeling sad, down and defeated? Help others. I heard this idea from the Dalai Lama a while back and I've found it works!  We should not limit helping others to one small stretch on the calendar but rather year around. 

Here are my two key takeaways.  Don't get stressed by the expectations of others and let others celebrate or not as they see fit.