Paul LaVack, Empowerment Mentor 336.508.6330

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Don't Give Up

Got something you want to do and it is not working out? Here are a few things to remember...

1. It may take longer than you thought at first. Days can turn into weeks or even months. This is not the end of the world. There will be setbacks along the way. If the goal is worthwhile, it will be even sweeter!

2. Remember this... "Adapt, Adjust, Improvise." Step back from the barrier and let your brain rest. There's a good chance your brain will come up with a solution sometime down the road, like on your way home from work or while doing laundry. It's funny how that works. Also, mull it over a little as you go to sleep or when you first wake up. The mind is in a different state where barriers can fall with ease.

3. No, others cannot solve your problems or achieve your goals all the time but they can sure be helpful from time to time. So socialize and brainstorm. What you give, you get. Be open to people who may NOT be like minded. It's harder to grow if you spend all of your time with people that think, act and look like you. Step out!   

4. And last... You should get back at least what you put into the goal. This may not be what you thought in the beginning. It may look completely different from what you had in mind.

Just a few thoughts as we move into summer. 

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Meeting Others

Meet others where they are, not where you want them to be. It's that simple.  


It is hard to make to make much progress in life without risk. Think about it, your first steps were risky. And it only goes up from there.  Just getting around (on foot, car or airplane), what career to get going and relationships all involve risks. It is important to learn at a young age that failure only occurs in one or two ways- you stop trying or you don't learn from the failure. Who quits trying to learn to walk after the seemingly mandatory stumbles and falls? We all keep going. It is easier if there is someone there to help us and get us back underway. Having a support group there is all important. We all need to be able on someone to be there and pick us up when we fail. They can help us learn and give us courage to move forward yet again.