Paul LaVack, Empowerment Mentor 336.508.6330

Monday, May 18, 2015

Step Out -- Be Informed

Yes, there are a lot of terrible things going on in the world. Many of us here in the west have the luxury of simply tuning out much of the bad. After all, we have enough of our own problems to deal with. Why worry about events beyond our control in places like Syria, Yemen, Iraq or north Korea? I think we need to be good students of the world if for no other reason, to understand ourselves. People look at me like I'm from Mars if I dare to suggest ISIS-style extremism can happen here. Well, it can. The conditions that lead to ISIS / extremism can happen anywhere with all too predictable results. Extreme poverty, non-existent healthcare and too little education never end well. So, when I hear things like "Religious Freedom Laws" that are nothing more than a thinly veiled right to discriminate and dehumanize others green lights granted by states, frankly it scares me. There is much to learn from the rest of the world and if you are able to read this, there is no reason not to.  

We cannot hide away in our own little worlds wrapped up comfortably in schedules, routines and habits. We need to engage. We need to make life better and more enjoyable for others. This cannot be done by ignoring suffering close by or for away. So work to make a difference. Help those in need. No, you don't have to find a solution to poverty, war or genocide. It can be as simple as cheering someone up. Small steps.  Think the butter-fly effect.